Wardrobe Analysis

“Wardrobe Analysis”
This is typically your first appointment with us.  Whether you want to create a timeless look, rock a hot new trend or your closet needs to be refreshed and updated, this is where we dive into your closet, wardrobe.  We will start by having you answer our “15 Fashion Questions” to get to know you and your individual needs.
The Analysis helps us understand your personal style and allows us to identify your current wardrobe strengths and weaknesses.  Using our exclusive “Closet Rx Pad” and “Essential Wardrobe Pieces” we can easily locate your key wardrobe building blocks, as well as create a shopping list of those you are missing. 
Once we have covered the basics, we will then help infuse your closet with pops of color, trends of the season, personal favorites, and timeless styles that compliment your body type and lifestyle.  Many people decide to follow up with retail therapy (personal shopping) after this wardrobe analysis or host a ‘Group Therapy’ Party with family and friends!

 Wardrobe Analysis includes the following:
ü  Creating new outfits from your existing wardrobe
ü  Recommending new pieces (based on our Closet Rx Pad and your needs)
ü  Color recommendations - great colors for every season that work best for you
ü  Identifying items to toss or donate from your current wardrobe
ü  Finding styles that work for your body type and your daily activities
ü  Coordinating shoes and accessories with outfits
ü  Outerwear and sportswear evaluation
ü  Style tips and fashion advice

ü  Photos / visual catalogue of new outfits created (additional fees may apply)

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