Sunday, March 2, 2014

2014 'Therapies' & Pricing

‘Therapy’ Pricing & Descriptions
New Client Consultation – Once your appointment has been scheduled, we begin by emailing you our “15 Fashion Questions”.  This gives us an idea of where to begin with each client.  Our goal here is to understand what you would like to accomplish and what to expect during our initial visit.
"Wardrobe Analysis" - $50/hr w/ 2 hr minimum - This is your first step and it’s what we do best!  Using our exclusive “12 Step” process, we will create fun, fresh outfits from your existing closet!  Meanwhile, we will identify key wardrobe staples you are missing and infuse pops of color and trends into your wardrobe, completing your signature look each season! (*typical analysis will last up to 2 hours depending on closet and wardrobe size)
“Retail Therapy" – Efficient and fun shopping has never been easier! We will meet you at your shopping destination and help shop for your body type, lifestyle, and needs ($50/hr) Or, if you want us to have all the fun, we can shop for you and pick out pieces you are looking for and need. ($35/hr)  We can discover new retail territory, or stick to your favorites stores, all while helping you nail a great look!  Personal shopping services can be booked with a friend for a discounted rate.  (*pricing may vary based on your individual needs and shopping specifics)
Supplemental ‘Therapies’
"Occasion Therapy" – $50/hr or priced per event- Have a special event coming up and not sure what to wear? Let us help dress you for that special event.  Derby, girl’s night out, anniversary dinner, wedding, Class Reunion - we can help you stand out in the crowd!
"Group Therapy"* - Hosting a ‘Group Therapy’ for a few friends in your home is a fun way to have a ‘Fashion Night In’ while discovering style and wardrobe tips and trends!  Your guests will be invited to bring in a few articles of clothing, accessories, or shoes they have trouble styling so we can offer advice and demonstrate how to pull together looks with these pieces using our ‘Essential Wardrobe Pieces’.   We can address any number of fashion issues including dressing for special events or work, post-baby body, or just getting out of the mom-jean-rut!   Our stylists will take the lead so you can sit back and relax!  *(established clients only)

"Closet Rehab" -$75/hr *-"I have NOTHING to wear!" Do you say this to yourself as you stand in front of a jam-packed, unorganized closet?  Let our closet organizational skills take over!  By first throwing out what does not belong and then using special organizing and display techniques, we will take your closet from drab to FAB so it will be easier to see what you have and create outfits! (*pricing may change based on size and condition of closet and wardrobe)
"Occupational Therapy" - $50/hr – Dressing for work shouldn't be WORK.  When you’re busy with work, family, and life, you don’t have the time to invest in improving your style!  We’ll freshen and update your professional look, sending you to work in style!
"Couples Therapy" - $75/hr – Style, fashion, and closet advice for you AND your partner.
"Mommy Therapy" - Are you a new mom struggling to feel stylish? We will help you maintain your style and confidence during and after pregnancy, including the awkward post-baby body and nursing stages!
 “Physical Therapy” - They may be called yoga pants, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be found running errands in them!  No problem!   Let us analyze and update your workout gear so you can look and feel great inside AND outside of the gym!
**Additional travel fees/ minimums may apply for appointments located outside of the Louisville area.  $100 minimum per appointment.  Contact us for details!


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